Anin secondary school

The school is si­tu­a­ted 50 km from El­do­ret City and 10 km from the cent­re of clo­sest towns­hip Iten, thus rep­re­sen­ting ty­pi­cal ru­ral school in Wes­tern Ke­nya.

In the be­gin­ning of the pro­ject, Anin se­con­da­ry school ac­com­mo­da­ted 325 child­ren, equ­al­ly boys and girls, 315 them stay­ed in the school dor­mi­to­ries over the who­le se­mes­ter.  The school has 12 te­ac­hers. No­wa­days Anin Sec School is only for girls.

School was es­tab­lis­hed over 20 ye­ars ago and has de­ve­lo­ped her fa­ci­li­ties ra­pid­ly sin­ce that sho­wing good com­mit­ment of the com­mu­ni­ty be­hind the school. In elect­ri­ci­ty supp­ly the school was de­pen­ded on a ge­ne­ra­tor in 2007. Ne­vert­he­less, strong stress by the com­mu­ni­ty has been add­res­sed to have a per­ma­nent elect­ri­ci­ty line, ag­reed in me­mo­ran­dum of un­ders­tan­ding to be pre­re­qui­si­te for full imp­le­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject. In te­lep­ho­ne con­nec­ti­ons the school de­pends on mo­bi­le pho­nes of the he­ad­mas­ter and te­ac­hers. Ho­we­ver, wi­re­less tech­ni­que re­cent­ly made avai­lab­le also to ru­ral are­as will enab­le ha­ving ac­cess to per­ma­nent tele net­work of the count­ry be­fo­re star­ting imp­le­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject. No­wa­days, the school has do­zens of com­pu­ters, wifi, a high-le­vel ICT te­ac­her etc.

The Bo­ard of Go­ver­nan­ce (BoG), the body res­pon­sib­le of school, is high­ly com­mit­ted to the pro­ject, and has al­re­a­dy du­ring the plan­ning pha­se made con­si­de­rab­le com­mit­ments in or­der to be inc­lu­ded in the pro­ject. This com­mit­ment has been a ma­jor sac­ri­fi­ce to the com­mu­ni­ty with li­mi­ted re­sour­ces de­monst­ra­ting the pri­o­ri­ty of lo­cal pa­rents to as­su­re good edu­ca­ti­on op­por­tu­ni­ties for their child­ren.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of wa­ter sus­tai­nab­le use in Anin Se­ce­on­da­ry School
