ICT concept development

In Anin and Chep­las­kei ad­van­ced ICT con­cept de­ve­lo­ped. Schools will be so de­ve­lo­ped that they can ser­ve as mo­de­led and trai­ners to ot­her schools adop­ting the Pro­ject con­cept.

In Anin and Chep­las­kei in­ten­si­ve coo­pe­ra­ti­on with FYL: jus­ti­fied by num­ber of stu­dents and te­ac­hers ef­fec­ti­ve­ly using: emails , ot­her com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, con­tact kee­ping.

Prob­lem ba­sed le­ar­ning es­tab­lis­hed: this ser­ves as base for com­mu­ni­ty de­ve­lop­ment pro­jects – Edu­ca­ti­o­nal ma­te­ri­al pro­du­ced in the sub-pro­jects imp­le­men­ted.

  In Anin and Chep­las­kei ad­van­ced ICT con­cept de­ve­lo­ped. (2011)
