The project in 2011-2014

Goal is to pro­vi­de equ­al op­por­tu­ni­ties for edu­ca­ti­on to child­ren in ru­ral less de­ve­lo­ped Ke­nya and make a shift to app­ly edu­ca­ti­on for de­ve­lo­ping com­mu­ni­ties. This is done through pro­vi­ding an ac­cess to mo­dern IT and e-com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with the part­ner school in Fin­land, he­re­by em­po­we­ring stu­dents with skills enab­ling them bet­ter to in­teg­ra­te with the glo­bal sys­tem.

Anin and Chep­las­kei se­con­da­ry schools will be de­ve­lo­ped as mo­del schools for ot­her schools to en­cou­ra­ge them to adopt app­lying ICT in edu­ca­ti­on. Aim is to ex­pand the con­cept to ot­her schools and to have 75 par­ti­ci­pa­ting schools.

Eco­tou­rism is the ma­jor com­mu­ni­ty de­ve­lop­ment ac­ti­vi­ty and in­tends to imp­ro­ve cul­tu­ral awa­re­ness, cre­a­te emp­loy­ment, ge­ne­ra­te in­co­me, and to pro­mo­te dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res to live in har­mo­ny. Wa­ter and Sa­ni­ta­ti­on is anot­her ac­ti­vi­ty.

The bud­get of the pro­ject:

  1. Self-fi­nan­cing of the Or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on 30 000e (Fors­sa and Se­pän­haka Ro­ta­ry Clubs, Sup­port from Pro Ke­nia ry, Va­lue of vo­lun­ta­ry work by Fors­sa se­con­da­ry school te­ac­hers)
  2. Pro­ject sup­port app­li­ca­ti­on 169 000e
  3. To­tal costs 199 000

In 2011, the pro­fes­si­o­nal of edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor vi­si­ted Ke­nya. See pho­tos.
