The background project in 2007-2010

The coo­pe­ra­ti­on pro­ject “Enab­ling ru­ral Wes­tern Ke­nyan schools to exp­loit in­for­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy” (is cal­led he­re­af­ter as the Backg­round Pro­ject) were run by FYL and the two Ro­ta­ri­an clubs in 2007-2010.

The fun­ding for the pro­ject came from the Mi­nist­ry of Fo­reign Af­fairs of Fin­land and the Ro­ta­ri­an clubs.

The aim of the backg­round pro­ject was to de­monst­ra­te a mo­del to ru­ral schools in Ke­nya to take full ad­van­ta­ge of ICT and imp­ro­ve sig­ni­fi­cant­ly op­por­tu­ni­ties of stu­dents in the­se schools, and make them bet­ter able to en­ter furt­her edu­ca­ti­on and make them to cont­ri­bu­te to de­ve­lop­ment of their com­mu­ni­ties.

The main re­sults of the backg­round pro­ject are pre­sen­ted in Tab­le 1.

Tab­le 1. The main re­sults of the backg­round pro­ject.

  1. School fa­ci­li­ties in the two co-ope­ra­ti­on schools (Anin and Chep­lak­sei) upg­ra­ded to be re­a­dy for IT com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on
  2.  IT-class­rooms in both schools equip­ped with com­pu­ters and in­ter­net con­nec­ti­on – com­pu­ters and prin­ters purc­ha­sed and ins­tal­led in Sep­tem­ber 2007 – ins­tal­ling in­ter­net con­nec­ti­on
  3. Te­ac­hers and stu­dents trai­ned to use com­pu­ters ef­fi­cient­ly – ICT te­ac­her emp­loy­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2007 to give ICT te­ac­hing for stu­dents and te­ac­hers. – te­ac­hers trai­ned to use ef­fi­cient­ly com­pu­ters in te­ac­hing – stu­dents trai­ned to use ef­fi­cient­ly com­pu­ters in their stu­dying and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on (Of­fi­ce, email, in­ter­net) – use of IT adap­ted to edu­ca­ti­o­nal cur­ri­cu­la of the schools was star­ted in 2008 – com­pu­ter ser­vi­ces were pro­vi­ded to the com­mu­ni­ty and a fee for using were char­ged – In Anin 2009 KCSE fi­nal exams were gre­at suc­cess and 36 stu­dents out of 100 got gra­de C+ or bet­ter. In ear­lier ye­ars only few of stu­dents have pas­sed le­vel C+ as their ge­ne­ral re­mark.
  4. Joint pro­jects ai­ming to de­ve­lop Anin and Chep­las­kei com­mu­ni­ties imp­le­men­ted – sus­tai­nab­le de­ve­lop­ment: game re­ser­ve de­ve­lop­ment (Eco­tu­rism) com­mu­ni­ty de­ve­lop­ment ac­ti­vi­ty imp­le­men­ted in 2009. – wa­ter and sa­ni­ta­ti­on: a stu­dy was imp­le­men­ted in ear­ly 2010.
  5. In­ter cul­tu­ral ac­ti­vi­ties in in­ter­na­ti­o­nal coo­pe­ra­ti­on ta­ken into edu­ca­ti­o­nal cur­ri­cu­la – exc­han­ge of te­ac­hers and stu­dents bet­ween the two count­ries      – two te­ac­hers and four stu­dents from schools tra­vel­led to Fin­land in Sep­tem­ber 2008 – In May 2009 three te­ac­hers and two stu­dents from Fin­land vi­si­ted Anin and Chep­las­kei.

In 2008, the Ke­nya pro­ject of FYL got the pri­ze of the most po­si­ti­ve ac­ti­on at schools in the pro­vin­ce of Häme.
